

December 1, 2024
Penelope Kofoed
"I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I am the one who was, who is, and who is to come- the Almighty one."- Revelation 1:8

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READ: Revelation 1:5-8


The beginning is when you start to breathe. 

Is it? 

The beginning is when you come to God. 

It is. 

The way.

The way is when you start moving throughout your day.

Is it?

The way is when you live your life with Gods word, love, and mercy.

It is.

The end.

The end is when you die.

Is it?

The end is when you chose to separate yourself from your creator, the omega.

It is. 

Let yourself be aware of what God fully is. He is everything. He is more than what our mind can and will ever be able to fathom. He is what gives our life a purpose worth being on earth for. 

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