When I first saw this picture, I asked my mom, “What the heck am I supposed to write about?” I took some advice from my friend Alyssa, who said to stare at the picture for about five minutes.
One of the first things that I noticed was that baby Jesus’ heart is the Christmas star. This baby’s heart, pure as gold, is the symbol everyone recognizes him by.
The shepherds say, “Where is the newborn king?”
This poor baby is probably thinking, “Who are these strange people, and why are they kneeling on the floor in front of me?” He is suddenly being worshipped and praised by shepherds and receiving fine gifts from kings. All this baby wants is to cry and go to sleep in his mother’s arms, but instead he gets kings and perfumes and oils.
“We have come to worship him,” is not a normal saying for a little newborn baby. But this young baby is suddenly a king, whether he wants to be or not. Unbeknownst to this baby, he is going to perform great tasks and create amazing things in his lifetime. Is he thinking about that? No, he is not. He is probably thinking about how hungry he is and how he wants to go to bed. This tiny, newborn baby, even though he’s Jesus, is still a drooling, crying, laughing, eating baby.
Everybody talks about the sweet, innocent boy who was already so great and amazing when he was born, but everyone starts out as a crying baby. The only difference between being a normal baby and being Jesus is that Jesus is a king with a star in his favor. All of a sudden, he is being burdened down with responsibilities and becoming the most wanted and cared for person of all time. This baby created the universe, and when he was born that universe was a part of him. God knew that at some point, Jesus would have to sacrifice himself for the world. Because Jesus knew the universe, he wasn’t thinking about himself, unlike a human would. He knew God would take care of him in the way that he needed to.
This picture shows a tiny baby, Jesus, but with the universe in him. It’s perfect. Baby Jesus, and the universe within.