God couldn’t wait. It was finally time, and he had patiently waited for literal centuries to make this happen. Maybe seven! It didn’t matter; it was too long. Being separated from the people he loved so much...he could combust!—He was coming! For them. And nothing would stop him.
He couldn’t hold all the joy in—he knew exactly who he’d tell first: the shepherds.
These are my people, God thought.
They will get how good this gift is in a way maybe no one else will. They’ve been told a false narrative their whole life. That they’re not important, that they’re outcasts, socially and spiritually, that they’re not worthy to be with me for this reason or that. But I’ve always seen them and loved them,
God thought.
They’re close to my heart. I can’t wait to show them how much I love them—then they will never be afraid of my rejection!
In fact, God was ready to flip every false narrative on its head. Love would be the most powerful reality in his kingdom, with him on the throne. He would clear up the misconceptions that this gift was only for a select few: social class, race, age, gender, bad or good, cool or uncool—none of that will matter more than His love for them. Every beloved person will hear their creator say,
you are invited, you are worthy. The quirkier, the better. God’s the giver and he gets to decide– and he said it’s for everyone!
God was making good on his promise; he always had and always will.
He was coming! To rescue, to fix what was broken, to set everything right, forever. He’d get his hands dirty doing it; he wasn’t afraid of the mess, the pain, the darkness. He would enter right in, while looking to the future, radiant with confidence and joy. They’re worth it, and he’d show them all of this, starting through the way he came. That first, dark, dingy night in a manger.
God couldn’t wait.
What emotions bubble up for you when you’re preparing to give someone you love a really great gift? What does the Christmas story show and tell you about how God feels about you?