You're an important piece at Redemption Hill. We need you to help us through prayer, your time and your financial gifts. We are a simple church that is looking to maximize your gifts for important work to help people connect with God.

About 15% of our giving goes to support outside organizations including church planting in our valley and around the world. Your giving makes our community possible.

Please invest at the links below:

GIVING AT Redemption Hill




Every dollar we spend as a community is accounted for mission. Partnerships, church plants, missionaries, bills, payroll, and community care. We want to be a community marked by surprising generosity.

2023 Annual Report

Annual Report

Our Annual Giving Report is a chance for all of us to look back at last year and plan for the 2024.

A white circle with a graph inside of it on a white background.

"One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.
Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
and one who waters will himself be watered."

A cell phone with the church center app on the screen.

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