
Mary's Faith: How Little Things Make a Big Difference

March 31, 2024
Lyla Cabral

When you have great faith, you can empower people to do things they never thought they could. When you love strongly, people feel that love, which is sometimes all someone needs. And when you believe in God, he can change your life. 

An illustration of a tree growing out of a stump that says jesus rises

The end. That was what the disciples felt when Jesus died. Among the disciples was Mary Magdalene, whom Jesus had cast seven demons from. Mary had been there at the cross when Jesus died, that horrid cross. Mary had followed Jesus for a while, listening to his teachings and learning about God. But he had died. Jesus, the good shepherd, was dead? Soon, the disciples were scattered and hiding, and little hope remained. What would you do?

This was a hard time for all of Jesus’s followers. Mary Magdalene was just one of the many people experiencing this hardship. The loss of a good friend, a wonderful teacher, and a source of hope all at once. And Mary was terribly sad. Sometimes, it may seem like Mary was a hero. But she was just a girl. What makes her remembered today is her faith. Her faith following Jesus, even to his death. What makes her remembered today is her love. Her love that led her to go to his tomb, so she could care for his body. And what makes her remembered today is her belief. Her belief when she saw Jesus and the angels. These are some things that all followers of Christ can have.

Mary had some simple traits anyone can have. Some that many Christians say they have. You probably do! But when you put everything you have into them, you can change lives. When you have great faith, you can empower people to do things they never thought they could. When you love strongly, people feel that love, which is sometimes all someone needs. And when you believe in God, he can change your life. 

Sometimes, the simplest things like a tiny sapling can make a big difference. As we enjoy Easter, remember how little things are just as (and maybe even more) important as big things. He is risen indeed!

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