

December 3, 2024
Kyle Tilman
"I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I am the one who was, who is, and who is to come- the Almighty one."- Revelation 1:8

Read: Revelation 1:5-8

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He was

The earth was formless and void. Empty. 

Darkness covered the face of the deep.

At that moment, Jesus was there.

The Light pierced the darkness.

From the nothingness, He wove the fabric of all creation 

Everything was from Him and through Him.

This is the beginning. 

Jesus is the beginning.

He is

Nothing is the way it was meant to be.

A world heavy with pain, soaked in tears, and shadowed by sadness.

Unable to escape the power of sin,

We need a rescuer. A Savior. 

It’s why He had to come.

We wait to celebrate the single, sacred moment when eternity broke into our world.

The heralded Emmanuel, God with us.

The unexpected, awaited King.

Here! Now! With us! 

He lived the life we couldn’t.

Filling the world with hope and light.

He died the death we deserved. 

But the Light can’t be extinguished.

Like a sunrise, the Light rose again.

He made a way.

A way for us to be adopted into His family.

The family of light.

Sons and Daughters of the Light.

Filling us with His Light,

Like the Earth in the beginning.

Little lights, bringing His light to the rest of the world.

Little lights becoming more like The Light.

Clay vessels, molded by the Potter, brimming with His light, and born anew into this world.

We have been rescued, forgiven and adopted!

Yet, we wait.

We wait for the things that are to become the things that will be.

We wait for tears to be turned to joy.
We wait for grief to be turned to gladness.
For ashes to be turned to beauty
For death to be turned to life.
Captivity to deliverance.
Lament to praise.
Brokenness to wholeness.

We wait for the work of Jesus while being near to Jesus.

We are His kingdom and we bring His kingdom.

We feed the hungry as our souls are fed.

We care for the needy as our needs are cared for.

We do for the least of these, because Jesus did for us.

This is the tension of Advent.

The in-between. 

A future promised, a way made, tears and sadness still present.

This is now.

Jesus is here, now.

He is to come

No one knows the hour.

But, we know the ending.

The Light that once broke the darkness returns,

Blazing with uncontainable glory

It fills every corner of darkness with His eternal glory.

All sad things vanish.

All pain is wiped away.

The city of light, shining with the Glory of God, comes to earth.

At that moment, Jesus will be there. 

Full of light.

Like the Earth in the beginning.

Like our souls now.

He was. He is. He is to come.

This is eternity.

Jesus is eternity.

Jesus is the end.

The Light that shone into the darkness at the beginning shines forevermore. 

He was. He is. He is to come. 

The Alpha and the Omega. 

The Beginning, and the End.

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