Our core value this week is Unity, drawn from the text of the Apostle's Creed, a series of statements that define our faith written by 2nd generation followers of Jesus, and Jesus' prayer in John 17, for unity of essence through God.
The truth is, we cannot embody unity simply on the basis of preference or opinion. This results in a lot of heat, and not much light.
Rather, it is only from our belonging to God that we belong to one another. Our unity is not defined by boundaries or conditions, but in drawing towards Christ. This unity of Spirit is derived from mission and direction, not alignment and method. It is from our values, rather than how we live them out. It is centered around grace rather than obedience to human authority, affirming that in God's kingdom, there is autonomy, forgiveness, and love. It is through humility, allowing history to speak against us with prophetic witness.
Unity comes in our belief in the Apostle's Creed, the very basics of what it means to be a follower of Jesus, the story of our belonging. As we seek unity, we practice grabbing hold of the clear, important things in the creed with ferocity, and having grace for secondary issues.
We are made one because of Jesus' ultimate authority, who was committed to inviting, challenging, and humbling himself through service and sacrifice. It is from Jesus and Scripture that we are united, not in any place of human achievement, power, or position. We don't get to decide who is in and who is out, refusing to label other human beings as enemies. Rather, we get to walk alongside each other, praying for transformation with understanding.
Ultimately, we seek unity by seeking union with Christ.
Want to learn more about this core value?
to listen to our most recent podcast for more on Unity and the Apostle's Creed!