We are taking a deep dive this summer into our core values at Redemption Hill, and examining how those values shape our liturgies–the day-in day out work of being Jesus people.
Our second value is micro-church, what we believe to be the most basic expression of the church. We believe the work we do together in genuine, intentional community is the work of God's kingdom. We want to practice and embody the rhythms of gathering, scattering, focusing on God, each other, and the world at large, actively choosing connection and inviting each other into obedience. We believe the larger church expressions exist to serve the smaller and not the other way around.
Have you ever wanted to be a part of a community that felt more like a village or extended family than just an organization? Micro-church, meeting in homes with friends and neighbors, is the irreducible minimum of what it means to be Jesus’ church. Worship, prayer, learning the way of Jesus, community meals, mission and justice are all part of our everyday rhythms as followers of Jesus.
Micro-church is an outpost of God’s kingdom in every neighborhood where God’s people gather. For many, it looks like brunch and BBQ’s, parties, prayer around tables, soccer fields and workplace break rooms. We believe church doesn’t happen in a building, but is God’s people following Jesus and witnessing the beauty, justice and peace of God’s kingdom come to life one moment at a time all around us.
Click here listen to the podcast episode on Micro-church!