
Core Value: The Poor

October 3, 2022
Robert Frazier

We will remember the poor because we believe that God does.

A poster that says the poor on it

We believe that they are central to his mission in the world. It is our conviction that God is always on the side of the oppressed, those who have no one on their side. For that reason we believe the church should also stand on the side of the poor, and in so doing, stand in solidarity with the heart and work of God. Jesus’ own ministry is our model. We welcome all people but prioritize the poor in our ministry concern, allocation of resources and advocacy. We do this not because the rich and middle class are less important to God, but because they already have access to resources and are able to advocate their own cause. It is our belief that the church should therefore prioritize and remember those who have less and have access to less, so that in all things there might be equity.

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