We will live for the biblical concept of justice. We will take a prophetic stand against all kinds of evil, not only spiritual, but also societal. All sin and injustice is the enemy of the church and the Kingdom of God. The search for the Kingdom of God is also a search for justice. They are the same longing. In the Kingdom, we find ultimate justice, and biblical justice is more than just punishment for wrongdoing and oppression. It is also the restoration of wholeness, equality, and peace between people and with God. We believe that God is in the business of making the hills flat, of leveling out power structures, of coming alongside the lowly among us, and loving them where they are at. We believe Biblical Justice looks like serving the poor and powerless, orphan, the widow, the prisoner, the immigrant, and the oppressed.
Our value of justice is a call to seek the welfare of every person that we can influence in our city and the world. It is to hope and work for the Kingdom of God, as it breaks into the places we are. For that reason, our value of justice will mean action in the places where we have power, as well as the pursuit of justice in the proclamation of the Kingdom wherever we have a voice.