

December 17, 2024
Taya Lange
"You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said." - LUke 1:45

Read: Luke 1:39-45

There are so many things that happen unseen. Caterpillars cocoon themselves up into small, boring, brown shapes. A tiny seed gets pressed into the ordinary dirt and from the surface of the earth, seems silent, stagnant, and unchanging. A collection of gas and dust flow painfully slowly through space. Inside a womb, cells quietly evolve from one to billions. 

The end of the book of Job reveals our impatient human tendencies towards the unseen. God realigns Job by asking him a series of questions:

"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?"

"Can you shout to the clouds and make it rain?"

"Is it your wisdom that makes the hawk soak and spread its wing towards the south?"

"Are you as strong as God? Can you thunder with a voice like His?"

And my personal favorite, "Do you still want to argue with the Almighty?"

God is not afraid of our questions, but He does want us to trust him even in the unseen. Even in the things waiting to be brought to fruition.

There are countless examples of things in our world that seem to be doing nothing and yet from both a cosmic and microscopic perspective, we know that over time, growth is taking place.

What things are unseen in your life? What things are hidden from your perspective and feel pointlessly slow, hopeless and unchanging?

What ends up happening? A colorful butterfly emerges. A tree stretches up to the heavens. A bright star is shining in the night. A baby is breathing in his mother's arms.

Perhaps this is where God will reveal His beauty. Maybe this is the growth He designed for you all along.

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