We are loving going through our core values as a community this summer. Our latest liturgy forming us in the way of Jesus is our seventh core value: humility.
As a peculiar people in a world opposed to God, we commit to pursue humility as one of the chief virtues, entering into our communities with a posture of thinking of others as better than ourselves. We believe humility is knowing your belovedness in Christ and having the courage to live into that reality.
We believe humility is not simply considering others as equal to ourselves, because practically speaking, equality will not bring about the change we need. Rather, we must consider others as better than ourselves. We value humility as strong medicine for the cancer of our pride. We believe humility is cultivated in community as a practice that develops patience, forgiveness, respect, kindness, and a willingness to be wrong, seeds of peace planted as we learn to live alongside one another, and as we allow ourselves to be shaped and formed in the way of Jesus.
We expect this humility in leadership, relationships, theology, the contextualization of our mission, our prayer, and even our appraisal of ourselves and others. We are convinced that humility is necessary for following Jesus as an individual and as a community. We hope to be flexible and willing to learn, refining our commitments and expanding our understanding and revelation of God and God's call upon us.
The move from pride to humility is largely done in a way that moves from the outside in, starting with what we do for and alongside those around us. We don’t develop humility and then act in humble ways. Rather we must consciously choose the path of humility— valuing it as a practice that shapes us into humble people, laying down our preferences for the sake of the world.
Want to learn more about this core value? Listen to
this podcast episode
, o
r watch
this instagram live interview