
Core Value: Zeal with Contemplation

July 21, 2022
Robert Frazier

Is this Christian life about active passion or a quiet relationship with God? Could it be both?

A poster that says zeal with contemplation on it

We value the paradox of exuberance and zeal in worship, community life, and evangelism, while at the same time wholeheartedly pursuing the rhythm and profound importance of silence and solitude for personal contemplation and rest. We affirm seasons of zeal and charismatic expression of the greatness and majesty of God in tandem with reflective and meditative seasons before God, valuing each and both together as equals. We believe that this latter, quiet expression of faith is what prompts us into tangible action, as an organic result of our trust in God, rather than the proof of it. 

We believe that zeal with contemplation is a two-fold rhythm of active trust in action and a focus on our inner life. It is not a balance but a gentle swaying between the two, as we consider the equally important practices involved in both, from service and labor to silence and solitude. To combat an activism that can lead to burnout, we value practices of silence and solitude as gatekeepers of our soul and as liturgies that usher us into the presence of God where we begin to pray, intentionally listening to God's voice. We believe these practices that tend to our inner life in God's presence are where our own zeal is cultivated, practices that ultimately propel us back into the life of the community, as refreshed and renewed people of justice and peace. 
We hope our lives may be a fusion of both zeal, lived ablaze and unashamed for God, and contemplation, lived in deep awareness and quiet appreciation for God. As we spend time with the Father, we can then go freely into the world to love God and our neighbor. 
Want to learn more about this core value? Listen to this podcast episode , or watch  this instagram live interview !

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