
Core Value: The Ends of the Earth and the Depths of our Souls

October 17, 2022
Robert Frazier

We believe that Jesus came as the savior, not of one people group but of all peoples, that the kingdom of God is universal, and that the great longing of all souls is a desire for belonging, peace and a whole heart.  

A poster that says the ends of the earth and the depths of our souls

While we understand that our most transforming ministry will take place among our own demographics and geographically located in our own city, we commit ourselves to the mission of God to reach the whole world. We believe that Jesus came as the savior, not of one people group but of all peoples, that the kingdom of God is universal, and that the great longing of all souls is a desire for belonging, peace and a whole heart. 

We value the peoples of the world because we believe that God is global, the Maker of all humanity who desires to redeem every unique people group. We assume responsibility for the whole world, not because we believe we can reach it alone, but because we accept the mandate of the Great Commission, the heart of God to love and sacrifice for the discipleship of each people group. We accept our place in partnership with the global church, stepping into our apostolic mandate to send and be sent into every part of the world. We also recognize that not everyone has equal access to the Gospel, so there is a level of urgency to bring the Gospel to those peoples who have never heard it before. Therefore, we will prioritize reaching these frontier people groups by advocating, interceding for, and sending missionaries and even entire micro-churches so that they might have a lasting, indigenous church planting movement.   However, we believe that in order to reach the ends of the Earth, first the good news of the kingdom must penetrate to the depths of our own soul. As such, we commit to spiritual formation, vulnerability, accountability and forgiveness within our own community as we seek to follow in the way of Jesus.

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