We trust the authority, reliability and truth of canonical Scripture. In humility, we acknowledge we do not fully understand God and the world God made. For that reason, we rely on the Bible as our rule of our faith, teaching us what we do not know, challenging us in our daily liturgies, and leading us away from our misconceptions, self-deceptions, and convenient ideas about life and God. We don’t choose which parts of the Bible we want to believe, obey or understand. Rather, we submit to the entirety of Biblical Scripture because we trust that it reveals the truth that is beyond us– namely, Jesus.
We believe that Jesus is the “Word," the embodied expression of God who made his home among us. Jesus reveals God to us, and for that reason we don’t only obey Scripture, we really care about it. We love the Bible because it is God’s gracious gift to humanity to reveal himself, his plan, and our identity in him. Like a mirror, the Word shows us who we really are, and like a window, it opens our lives to the beauty, wonder, and the love of God that we long to know.
No podcast episode this week, but we'll be back next week with another new episode!