
Core Value: Simplicity

September 20, 2022
Robert Frazier

We seek to not waste the resources God has entrusted to us that were meant for other people on ourselves, but rather to live in a way that is radically hospitable and generous, with a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity.

A poster with a hand and the word simplicity on it

We commit to live a life free from clutter and the allure of materialism. We affirm that every believer and every community of believers has a responsibility to renounce the sins of its own people. As North Americans we renounce the slavery and idolatry of materialism through embracing a simple lifestyle. We do not believe that money or things are in themselves evil or to be avoided, but that the love of money and things is one of the greatest perils western believers face in our time, that possessions are an appetite to manage. We willingly use material things and wealth for the service of the Kingdom, but not for personal fulfillment or inappropriate luxury. We believe that the Earth was given to humanity as provision, as a resource of raw materials to steward and create from, not to dominate, exploit or destroy. 

 We seek to follow Jesus' teachings around money and possessions in the Gospels, as Jesus describes a way that is deeply dependent on him, trusting every step of the way that God will provide. We seek to not waste the resources God has entrusted to us that were meant for other people on ourselves, but rather to live in a way that is radically hospitable and generous, with a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. We value contentment and good work, and repent of our desire for power, ease, and self-provision. We seek simplicity in order to practice trust and connection with God and each other.  In doing so, we pursue wholeness and completeness socially while pursuing a single-minded devotion to God.

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