
Core Value: Missional Prayer

July 13, 2022
Robert Frazier

We frequently pray for ourselves, but we forget to pray for our neighbors and the world. How might this affect us and the world around us?

A poster that says missional prayer on it

This week's Core Value is Missional Prayer, the liturgy that shapes our own experience with prayer, but also shapes the way we pursue and experience God in the broader context of the world. 

We commit ourselves to live a life of prayer because we believe that only God can accomplish what He calls us to do and that God should receive the glory. What a radical change in perspective. It isn’t about what we can do for God but rather praying for God to act and asking how we can participate.
Using the text from James 5, we commit ourselves to a life of communal prayer–praying in times of trouble, gratitude, sickness, health, confession and friendship. We acknowledge these prayers offered in faith are powerful, life-changing, and life-bringing.
As stated in James, we believe the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective. We believe that, like Elijah, we have a direct line to the Almighty Creator, and the Creator's power is what fills us with the power to pray in earnest. For this reason, we believe the church should be committed to night and day prayer for the world, the coming of the Kingdom and a deeper revelation of God. 
We value prayer because we believe we are all called to the ministry of intercession and we want to see God's Kingdom come. If we are praying missionally, when we see people on the margins, we believe it is our call to welcome them and treat them as people who need our love and care, through the power of Jesus, the Messiah. We seek to embody the heart of ancient, missional prayer: to love the Lord with all of ourselves, and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 12)
In the life of the body, we value prayer both as a formational process that molds us and our relationships, and as our life's center and cornerstone. We believe that as we let prayer shape the pattern and rule of our life, it allows us to start to see the world the way Jesus does. 
We are not a community that permits people to go at this alone–we believe in praying alongside our neighbors through every part of life. 
Click here to listen to the podcast on Missional Prayer, and for more on making this kind of prayer a daily rhythm in your life. 
Want to learn more about this core value? Listen to this podcast episode , or watch  this instagram live interview !


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