
Core Value: Empowerment

August 17, 2022
Robert Frazier

Would you believe that you are an original artwork of God's?

A picture of a hand holding a plant with the word empowerment on it

We affirm the priesthood of all believers. We affirm each person who has given their life in surrender to Jesus and the kingdom has been empowered to hear and fulfill a unique calling from Jesus, possible only by the Spirit of God indwelling and working through every person who believes. 

In our role as priests and mediators, this Spirit draws us into our original mission—communion with the Godhead—and breathes new life into us as the Spirit fills us with his presence as we make space for others to know Jesus. As children of God, welcomed into God's family, the Spirit prompts us to hear God's voice and walk accordingly to accomplish the good work God has gotten ready for us to do. These good works form us as people of love, humble and gentle, shaped along the same lines of formation as Jesus, who we seek to emulate. Because we have freely received, we can freely give, filled up with the message we are called to proclaim: "the kingdom is near." 

Therefore, as priests we work towards empowering everyone to hear and fulfill the calling of Jesus in their life. We affirm the unique, sacred creation of each human, every person divinely designed with an eternal destiny, an original artwork, a gift from God to the world, a person in whom God delights and dwells. From this posture, we believe God wants to partner with us in the work he's equipped us to do, in the middle of our ordinary lives, through our interests, passions, dreams, talents, and personalities, all affirmed in community. 

This value of empowerment is expressed in all spiritual gifts and callings for all people regardless of race, gender or age for the sake of Jesus’ mission and for the equipping of all believers towards maturity.

To learn more about this Core Value, listen to this podcast or watch this instagram interview!

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