
Core Value: Each Other

August 3, 2022
Robert Frazier

What would it look like to treat everyone like they are worth sacrificing for?  

A poster that says each other on it

We believe being on mission for Jesus means loving each other and the world at large. From beginning to end and everywhere in between, the Bible communicates that loving well is vital, exemplified by a conscious commitment to our small communities and the church community at large. We believe this commitment is a commitment to each other's burdens and needs, both physical and emotional. 
This commitment looks like intimacy of relationship, vulnerability, honesty, intentionality, interruptibility, humility, generosity (of time, spirit and money), deep acceptance and unconditional love. We commit to the slow working out of our faith as we strive to increase in loving each other, resting in our identity as beloved children of God and asking to be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit. We commit to the practice of intercessory prayer, stepping into each other's shoes and carrying each others' burdens. 

We believe that God calls us into his mission and ministry together, never alone. We believe that God exists in community, and it is our role to join those places that God is already working, that we might be an expression of God's love to those around us. We believe that God did not intend for us to be alone, and that isolation, fear of each other, and spiritual competition are cancers in the church. We believe that moral and theological failures, controlling leadership, and many of our emotional struggles stem from a lack of community. As we practice this radical love, we seek to remove burdens rather than add more on. 

We value free, committed and loving friendship. Whenever possible we will lead through teams and the sharing of life at every level with trusted friends who are an extension of the grace and presence of God in our lives.

Want to learn more about this core value? Listen to this podcast episode , or watch this instagram live interview !

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