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His Story, My Story 

04-07-2024 ||

Have you ever felt confused about what this weird collection of stories we call the Bible is talking about? How does what you are reading fit into this big story? The Bible is not ordered in a chronological way, which can make it hard to understand what is happening or why it is important. In this class, we are looking at the Bible as the overarching story of who God is, what is his plan, and where we as God’s people fit into it. This journey is especially important as many Christians, both new believers and seasoned disciples, have inserted unhelpful ideas into the Story of God and what we believe about God shapes how we think he sees us, how we see him and ourselves, and shapes our understanding of our purpose.

The format will include reading and participating in discussions.

Contact Kyle Carbal with questions


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A close up of a man wearing an orange beanie
A white circle with a graph inside of it on a white background.
A man in an orange shirt is standing in front of a group of children.
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