Upcoming events

This year, Ash Wednesday is February 14th. Ash Wednesday is the Wednesday 40 days before Easter that traditionally marks the start of Lent. It's a really beautiful time where we gather together, and reflect on our mortality and the sacrifice of Jesus at Easter. We'll have a service on the night of the 14th at 6pm at Discovery.

Ash Wednesday 

02-14-2024 || Discovery Church Boise

This year, Ash Wednesday is February 14th. Ash Wednesday is the Wednesday 40 days before Easter that traditionally marks the start of Lent. It's a really beautiful time where we gather together, and reflect on our mortality and the sacrifice of Jesus at Easter. We'll have a service on the night of the 14th at 6pm at Discovery.

Contact Jessi Peck with questions


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A close up of a man wearing an orange beanie
A white circle with a graph inside of it on a white background.
A man in an orange shirt is standing in front of a group of children.
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